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In Rome was held an annual conference "Solidarieta Sociale" - "Social Solidarity." The event was organized by the veterans of the national-revolutionary neo-fascist movement "National Avant-garde" (AN). Chaired by the founder and constant leader of the AN Stefano Della Chiaia.

The main report was made by the anarcho-fascist ideologue, a famous Italian philosopher and writer Mario Merlino. He and other speakers talked about the continuation of the "avant-garde" struggle under new conditions - when the place of communism as the main enemy occupied financial and bureaucratic capital. At the same time special attention is paid to the experience of the student protests of 1968 and the populist uprising ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 2553 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 06.07.2015 | Коментарі (0)

A speech conducted by the "Azov" regiment commander Andriy Biletsky on June 27, 2015 in Kharkiv at the meeting with its residents under the title "The Strong Nation."

We have no friends in the West. At present the West formally gives us some military assistance, gives us handouts in the form of the IMF aid, etc. - loans for the so-called reforms. All this is done not out of good intentions: the main demand of the West is a defeatist position of Ukrainian government and the entire country. They require strict compliance with the Minsk agreements (whereas it's clear that every day we suffer the loss of tens of the wounded and several dead; the intensity of confrontation returns to the winter pre-airport state [that is, to the ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 2505 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 29.06.2015 | Коментарі (2)

Interview with Vita Zaverukha from the "courtroom"

Reproduction of a material from the debut issue of the newspaper "Provocateur" with the kind permission of the publisher.

Vita Zaverukha (callsign Vitaminka).
18-year-old resident of Vinnytsia region.
A soldier of the "Aydar" battalion.
Political prisoner of Poroshenko's regime.
Well-known in Ukraine and abroad (front photos of Zaverukha published French magazine "ELLE," having called her "Ukrainian Joan of Arc").
Viţa is accused of shooting the workers of the "Ber ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 2483 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 25.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

In view of a recent statement by two US congressmen on the "Azov" regiment as a "neo-Nazi paramilitary militia" and a failed myth of the undisputed Western support for Ukrainian rightists to which they presumably owe their strength and popularity in Ukraine, it's time to ruin probably the most persistent myth of an anti-Ukrainian Kremlin's propaganda regarding the funding of the "Azov" regiment, "Right Sector" and other right-wing units and organizations by a "Jewish oligarch" and a governor of Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky.

Firstly, not all realize the fact that Igor Kolomoisky no longer occupies a post of the governor of ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 8553 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 18.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

Last Sunday, on June 14, in Paris was held the annual event of the free right-wing broadcasting station "Radio Courtoisie," which contains more than 60 various shows. The Radio is depicted as pro-Russian and pro-Kremlin, but there is a small pole of resistance that fiercely supports Ukraine, a little gallic village, as Frenchies often say, with our friend Pascal Lassalle -  historian, new-rightist activist, publicist and real Ukrainian!

Many writers were signing their books, and Pascal Lassalle has invited to his stand, decorated with a Ukrainian flag, two friends of Ukrainian people and revolution - Julien Langella, the author of "Youth i ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 1950 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 17.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

З віджатим по-тихому Кримом можна було гратися в брудні політичні ігри ще досить довго. В найкращому випадку можна було утримувати півострів у осяжній перспективі і не втрапити в повну політичну ізоляцію. Тепер все по іншому, тепер все погано у ВВП і Росії в цілому, констатують думки Дмитра Орєшкіна Патріоти України з посиланням на “Апостроф“.

Президент России Владимир Путин хотел захватить восемь областей Украины, но переоценил свои силы. Об этом заявил российский политолог Дмитрий Орешкин, передает “Апостроф”.

... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 1737 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 15.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

Young generation of Patriots, under conditions of an undeclared war, qualifying a current state of the State and Nation as catastrophic, strives for the complete withdrawal of the incompetent authorities, corrupt politicians and oligarchs from the economic and political governing of the State. We aim to implement in life the following provisions:

  1. Solidarity of Nation – against an artificial division of Ukraine on the East and West.
  2. Strong, authoritative, personally responsible power – against corruption, irresponsibility and impersonality of modernity.
  3. Strong Unitary Great Ukrainian State with wide ... Читати далі »
Переглядів: 3461 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 11.06.2015 | Коментарі (1)

A former student from Krasnoyarsk Valentin is 19 year old. He was going to become the history teacher and participated in "peace marches" against the war in Ukraine. In January of 2015 Valentin went to the war in Ukraine, has joined the "Azov" volunteer regiment, and the Russian security services have declared him wanted. In May the FSB accused  the opposition activists of recruiting nationalists for the struggle in Ukraine.

According to Valentin, at first the actions against the war in Ukraine were accompanied solely by the verbal sparring with the supporters of the self-proclaimed "LNR" and "DNR," but then were involved the gas sprays, and by September of 2014 had began the clashes and fights after the rally. The ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 2537 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 09.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

New issue of the right-wing Quebec magazine "Le Harfang" on Ukrainian nationalist perspective vs. Dugin's Eurasianist mission is out! The issue also includes an interview with Matthew Raphael Johnson and a report of the Canadian nationalist on his trip to Ukraine, as well as articles on Dominique Venner and Baron Ungern von Sternberg. Its pdf-copy may be downloaded here: http://synthesenationale.hautetfort.com/media/02/01/3607655751.pdf

3 Édito
4 Nantel, Staline et Charlie
5 Le coup d’état libér ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 1905 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 05.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

Інститут філософії ім. Г.С. Сковороди НАН України

відділ історії зарубіжної філософії

сектор історії східної філософії


30 червня 2015, 16:00

к. 327



Засідання LXXХVІІ


Р. Ґенон ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 1660 | Додав: Helen-von-Graven | Дата: 04.06.2015 | Коментарі (0)

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