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Главная » 2015 » Червень » 17 » Meeting in Paris: AlterEurope and French-Ukrainian Unity as its Vanguard
Meeting in Paris: AlterEurope and French-Ukrainian Unity as its Vanguard

Last Sunday, on June 14, in Paris was held the annual event of the free right-wing broadcasting station "Radio Courtoisie," which contains more than 60 various shows. The Radio is depicted as pro-Russian and pro-Kremlin, but there is a small pole of resistance that fiercely supports Ukraine, a little gallic village, as Frenchies often say, with our friend Pascal Lassalle -  historian, new-rightist activist, publicist and real Ukrainian!

Many writers were signing their books, and Pascal Lassalle has invited to his stand, decorated with a Ukrainian flag, two friends of Ukrainian people and revolution - Julien Langella, the author of "Youth in Power," and Georges Feltin-Tracol,  the author of "Thoughts toward East" and redactor-in-chief of the French website "Europe Maxima" (which has previously published many of Lassalle's interviews and writings).

It was a great occasion to meet many young and not so young people interested in understanding the situation in Ukraine from an impromptu public speech of Lassalle. Some pro-separatist Russian female propagandists tried to make a minor scandal, but without any success. Our friends were even supported by a young Belarusian nationalist, denouncing together Russian imperialism and chauvinism.

AlterEurope in action and French-Ukrainian friendship as its vanguard. Glory to France, glory to Ukraine and our future AlterEurope! Reconquista!

Blog about the ongoing Ukrainian Reconquista in French http://ukrainereconquista.over-blog.com

Просмотров: 2076 | Добавил: Helen-von-Graven | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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