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27 вересня в м. Ізмаїл, Одеської області на День міста відбудеться благодійний музичний рок-фестиваль «Дунайська січ», в якому візьмуть участь гурти «Гайдамаки» (м. Київ), «Очеретяний кіт» (м. Вінниця), «Друже музико» (м. Одеса), «Тінь Сонця» (м. Київ), автор - виконавець Сергій Файфура та місцеві гурти «Знайдені речі», «Geronimo», «JazZProM». Також, буде здійснено поширення української літератури та періодики, української державної символіки, збір коштів на підтримку учасників АТО. Одночасно з проведенням благодійного фестивалю відбудуться концерти для українських прикордонників, зустрічі з місцевими волонтерськими організаціями.
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As a friendly country, Croatia and Croats from the beginning of events known as the Maidan fully supported the right of the Ukrainian people to decide their own destiny. A group of Croats, mostly veterans of Croatian Homeland War back in February of 2014 held meetings related to the eventual departure to Ukraine, however, it was impossible to get in touch with people in Ukraine.
The establishment of the battalion opened the possibility of going to Ukr
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In European territory, in the heart of Scandinavia, there is a military-political entity that can serve as an example or a source of inspiration for further struggle.

They are also labeled "the punishers," they also shout "To Valhalla!" before the battle. They call themselves the Vikings. They are the elite core of the armed forces of Norway. There is a series of successful military operations in Eastern Europe and the Middle East on their account, and currently they lead a military operation to prevent further advancement of the "ISIL" militants.
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Bulgarian nationalists have no lobby in the representative bodies, and their movement is still in its formative stage, but the desire for international cooperation with the military-political force of AZOV does exist.

Meeting with Bulgarian nationalists took place in the main street of the capital of Bulgaria - in Sofia, Vitosha Boulevard.
First of all, a brief overview of media resources made us conclude that Bulgaria is thoroughly pro-Russian in a political sense. However, it is necessary to make a small excursion into the historical background of this opinion to explain the difficulties of its inte
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Andriy Biletsky, the leader of the "Azov" regiment who returned for a few days to Kyiv from the zone of ATO, met for an interview with the correspondent of ЛІГАБізнесІнформ.
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""AZOV" fights for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, mostly with the so-called forces of the unrecognized PDR (People's Republic of Donetsk). In Russia, they are called "militia" (probably out of sincere conviction that the ex-miners from Buryatia, armed with the pickaxes, stole hundreds of army combat vehicles and now professionally use them); here they are called the separatists, terrorists.
I consider them the neo-Bolsheviks and the ideological enemies of any nation-state - both Ukrainian and Russian.
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MP, head of the "Azov" regiment, 36-year-old Andriy Biletsky comes to give an interview accompanied by two men. He appointed the meeting in the metropolitan cocktail bar "Silver Spoons" on Baseyna Street. Two waiters at the entrance recognize Biletsky and smile. There are lots of flowers in the bar. One plant covered the entire wall. A black candlestick with white candles is placed all along the windowsill. We order three bottles of still water. Companions of Biletsky sit a few tables back. They drink coffee.
"Now I spend half of the time in Kyiv," says Andriy. "The interests of the "Azov" regiment require it. Th
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On 18th of June the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced that the murder of a popular pro-Russian publicist Oles Buzyna is solved. The suspects are two Kyiv activists of a nationalistic formation "C14," active participants of Euromaidan, warriors-volunteers Andriy Medvedko (lieutenant of the "Kyiv-2" battalion) and Denys Polishchuk (platoon commander of the 54th reconnaissance battalion).
The same morning police have kidnapped these two men and brought them to the precinct, where policemen have severely beaten them trying to force them to make false confessions. Apart from that, the illegal searches were made in the apartments of the suspects and their friends. Almost all valuable things were stolen by policemen during the searches. In
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10 липня, у п'ятницю, о 18:30 в Будинку Кіно відбудеться лекція французького інтелектуала, нового правого (Mouvement d'Action Sociale і Meridien Zero), історика, публіциста і культурного активіста Паскаля Ласаля (Pascal Lassalle).
Тема зустрічі: "За пан'європейський Третій Шлях. Французька солідарність з воюючою Україною".
Про автора: Паскаль Ласаль належить до числа найактивніших зарубіжних сим
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