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European Cooperation Instead of Integration.


Nowaday Ukraine has chosen “the way to Europe”. It is the official position of Ukrainian government and Ukraine is not the member of European Union only because EU members do not wish to see Ukraine as a country among them. At least now.

But what position should we have from the right point of view?


We know, that:


-          Ukraine is the center of Europe.

-          Ukraine is the homeland of Indo-European, Aryan nations and language.

-          Ukraine must be not only geographical, but also cultural, political, economical center of Europe.


We see, that:


-          Countries-members of EU (especially Western European countries) are in much bigger danger than Ukraine. Immigration, enormous cosmopolitism, suppression of freedom in the sake of “democracy”, spiritual climax and other issues ruin Europe, European culture and European way of life and thinking.

-          Moreover, euroscepticism is growing inside the EU. Some people and experts see that this construction is just step-by-step integration into one, big (European by name, anti-European by sense) federation.


We declare, that:


-          Ukraine doesn’t need to join the European Union and delegate its power to supranational authority.

-          The European nations and cultures must keep as unique as they are, as pure as they are. Any efforts and means are possible to keep the survival of Europeans.

-          The other conceptions and views must be in the basis and essence of another geopolitical union. I.e. the project of Common Slavic-Scandinavian Development.     


We propose:


-          Cooperation, instead of so-called integration which destructively impact each o f the European nation (no matter how wealthy and strong it is). United by the blood and idea, separate in national autonomy and cultural difference.

-          We are ready to support and help people of European origin and background.


We can consult you and help you with your tourist, cultural, political or business goals of visiting Ukraine. The historical dislikes among Europeans are not so important and must not pay the key role in our relationships. Because now the existence of our civilization is in danger.


Contacts: rozum.info@gmail.com

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