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Главная » 2015 » Червень » 11 » Manifesto of the Civil Corps of the “Azov” regiment
Manifesto of the Civil Corps of the “Azov” regiment

Young generation of Patriots, under conditions of an undeclared war, qualifying a current state of the State and Nation as catastrophic, strives for the complete withdrawal of the incompetent authorities, corrupt politicians and oligarchs from the economic and political governing of the State. We aim to implement in life the following provisions:

  1. Solidarity of Nation – against an artificial division of Ukraine on the East and West.
  2. Strong, authoritative, personally responsible power – against corruption, irresponsibility and impersonality of modernity.
  3. Strong Unitary Great Ukrainian State with wide self-government of communities – against the collapse and occupation of the country, including under the guise of federalization.
  4. Professional Parliament of the specialists – against incompetence and populism of contemporary MPs and parties.
  5. Mixed economy that combines the public and private sector – against the extremities of oligarchic capitalism and communism.
  6. Nationalization of the mineral resources, strategic branches of economy and natural monopolies – against the predatory exploitation of our land by the oligarchic structures.
  7. Development of the banking system for stimulating the economic growth and establishment of economically substantiated percentage – against legalized usury and the percentage slavery.
  8. Minimization of the public interference with small and medium business – against the pressure of corrupt bureaucratized system.
  9. Influence of the workers on management and participation in distribution of profits of the enterprises – against the deprived of civil rights state of the worker who is exploited by an unscrupulous employer and fake trade unions.
  10. Emphasis on development of science, education and innovative technologies as a basis of the State’s might – against the raw material, import-oriented and backwards economy.
  11. Transfer of all rights on land to the Ukrainian peasant, implementation of innovative technologies and government subsidies in the agricultural production – against the irresponsible policy of destruction of the village and depletion of soils.
  12. Priority of the National-State interests in foreign policy – against subordination to the “international institutions” and “values” that serve as a disguise for foreign imperialism.
  13.  Creation by Ukraine of the Baltic-Black Sea Bloc as the foundation of the global and regional system of security – against the unreflecting hope on the East or West that has led to occupation of a part of the country.
  14.  Creation of the powerful National Army and the military-industrial complex, restoration of the nuclear status of Ukraine – against the military impotence and shame of modernity.
  15. Increasing control on external migration, strengthening of the state borders – against the policy of “open doors” that undermines the national and economic foundations of the State.
  16. Restoration of the positive demography of Ukrainian Nation by means of the unprecedented government programs – against the policy of the extinction of Nation.
  17. Emphasis on the young generation, its upbringing on the grounds of the national honor and dignity – against the cult of consumption.
Просмотров: 3639 | Добавил: Helen-von-Graven | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Gonçalo  
Will there be a more extensive and detailed manifesto in the future?
How explicit and open will it be? Surely a cultural fight will be necessary.

Support from Portugal!

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«  Червень 2015  »
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