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Главная » 2015 » Червень » 29 » Andriy Biletsky on the Merchants in Ukrainian Government and the West
Andriy Biletsky on the Merchants in Ukrainian Government and the West

A speech conducted by the "Azov" regiment commander Andriy Biletsky on June 27, 2015 in Kharkiv at the meeting with its residents under the title "The Strong Nation."

We have no friends in the West. At present the West formally gives us some military assistance, gives us handouts in the form of the IMF aid, etc. - loans for the so-called reforms. All this is done not out of good intentions: the main demand of the West is a defeatist position of Ukrainian government and the entire country. They require strict compliance with the Minsk agreements (whereas it's clear that every day we suffer the loss of tens of the wounded and several dead; the intensity of confrontation returns to the winter pre-airport state [that is, to the times of Donetsk airport defense by Ukrainian "cyborgs"]), with which, undoubtedly, another side does not comply at all.

The system of power that objectively exists now is the power of merchants. It's not the power of some separatists, traitors; these are simply the merchants who got an access to the most profitable business in their lives, because for 25 years the most profitable business in this country has been investing 10 million in the pre-election campaign and getting a billion in a year. The most profitable business in this country was neither the metals or energy, nor coal, nor oil, nor even drug and arms trafficking. The most profitable business in this country has been the power. And these people came to get it and earn their penny.

But, unfortunately, they got caught in a tragical for themselves situation: the war does not give an opportunity to make money. War does not give an opportunity to tighten the screws on the society as they have been tightened before. For a large number of people wear uniforms, carry weapons. A lot of people woke up during the revolution and do not want to fall asleep again.

What should they do in this situation? Their plan is simple: they want to give away as much as it is needed to Vladimir Vladimirovich. From six to eight or ten regions in exchange for a chance  to fully exploit the rest of the regions and continue their business. And that is why our government hears so well the signals of peace, surrender and so on from Moscow, Brussels and Washington. That's why our government is so responsive to them. That's why our government abandons now the soldiers without the artillery support and heavy weapons and says: "We just keep the Minsk agreement."

We are told that we supposedly have no weapons. We're trying to get some trash, the armored troop-carriers of the 70-s from the United States and Canada. We are provided with the old radar systems of which is so proud the Defense Ministry. Not so long ago we were in Sarny - a small Ukrainian town in western Ukraine. A single - a single - artillery reserve base contains an incredible amount - 1200 - of the152-millimeter howitzers in a completely adequate condition. There is also ammunition. There are more than 500 anti-tank guns "Rapier." These are numbers which look absurd  for the people on the front, because we see that the entire fronts use just a few artillery divisions (10-30 guns). In the whole sector a number of artillery weapons does not exceed, at best, hundreds of units. Only in one and not the largest warehouse we keep it all.

But - there is one little secret. All these guns are formally dismissed as the military equipment of the fourth category. According to the military standards it is actually the scrap-metal. All these new guns have been withdrawn from the army balance a long time ago and simply await the time of their sale when they will be sold to Africa, China, Asia, Latin America and so on.

We think that we have no money for the resources, normal reforms and decent life. This is also untrue. A single Kolomoisky, who is currently a disgraced oligarch (and there are many non-disgraced who earn much more), - a single Kolomoisky, according to the Committee on the fight against corruption, earns from illegal gasoline import by sole non-payment of the taxes to the state budget $ 900 million a year. But this is only one of his businesses, and he has dozens of them. And he is not alone, and not the only oligarch in the country. And his power is not as strong as that of many others.

Everything collapses; collapses the banking system, people do not receive deposits, but the bank of the president  increased  its assets by 14 times during the year of the president's cadence. Thus not all have problems in this field. Thus the required resource exists. Thus there are the possibilities that are needed to restore the country, create a full-fledged army and end this nightmare in the East and South and become a truly self-sufficient and developed state. They not want to use it.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPESYi9emz8

Просмотров: 2638 | Добавил: Helen-von-Graven | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всего комментариев: 2
1 US friend  
the french THIBAULT DUPIRE /AZOV batallion is a spy for russian secret service. He sent regular reports to Moscow.

2 Helen-von-Graven  
If I do not mistake him for another person, he's kicked out of the regiment a long time ago. Thank you!

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