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Главная » 2015 » Липень » 6 » Italian "National Avant-garde" (AN) Support Ukrainian Nationalists
Italian "National Avant-garde" (AN) Support Ukrainian Nationalists

In Rome was held an annual conference "Solidarieta Sociale" - "Social Solidarity." The event was organized by the veterans of the national-revolutionary neo-fascist movement "National Avant-garde" (AN). Chaired by the founder and constant leader of the AN Stefano Della Chiaia.

The main report was made by the anarcho-fascist ideologue, a famous Italian philosopher and writer Mario Merlino. He and other speakers talked about the continuation of the "avant-garde" struggle under new conditions - when the place of communism as the main enemy occupied financial and bureaucratic capital. At the same time special attention is paid to the experience of the student protests of 1968 and the populist uprising in the city of Reggio Calabria (45th anniversary of which will be celebrated in July). Many conference delegates, including Della Chiaia and Merlin, were personally involved in those violent events.

Veterans told about the anti-communist struggle in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Angola, and Nicaragua. Now the events are viewed as confrontation with not only Marxism and the Soviet Union, but also globalism as a system of world bureaucratic control. Representatives of the new generation of activists reported on their work on the formation of mobile youth groups in different Italian cities. Recently  the conflicts between the national-revolutionaries and the state in Italy became tougher.

Last year's conference "Solidarieta Sociale" was attended by representatives of the national-revolutionary organizations of Russia and Ukraine. Comrades of Della Chiaia decisively supported the Ukrainian revolution, some of them took part in the armed struggle in Donbas. Most European neo-fascists and neo-Nazis almost unconditionally support the authorities of the Russian Federation and personally President Putin. "Solidarieta Sociale" takes a different position. Della Chiaia in an interview described himself as an "anti-Putinist," but stressed that "the Europe of peoples can't do without Russia."

Presence of Russians and Ukrainians at this year's conference was not reported. However, Mario Merlino read a message from "Russian and Ukrainian comrades." In the text, met with applause, was declared the joint struggle for "the new Europe of peoples - free from the power of the financiers and bureaucrats."

Source: http://www.sensusnovus.ru/news/2015/06/29/21133.html

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