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Главная » 2015 » Серпень » 21 » Military Traditions of Europe: Telemark Battalion, Norway
Military Traditions of Europe: Telemark Battalion, Norway

In European territory, in the heart of Scandinavia, there is a military-political entity that can serve as an example or a source of inspiration for further struggle.

They are also labeled "the punishers," they also shout "To Valhalla!" before the battle. They call themselves the Vikings. They are the elite core of the armed forces of Norway. There is a series of successful military operations in Eastern Europe and the Middle East on their account, and currently they lead a military operation to prevent further advancement of the "ISIL" militants.

The "Telemark" battalion was established in 1993 and is named after one of the regions in Norway. Privates of the battalion serve under the contract, and those willing to enlist in the battalion after passing a conscript service have to survive competition that last (2014) year amounted to 11 applicants per seat. Actually, this is the only unit of the Norwegian army, in which one serves under the contract, for there is universal conscription in Norway. The strength of the battalion is 450 people.

The emblem of the battalion is an image of Drakkar used by their ancestors in the battles.

Combat brotherhood of the "Telemark" battalion fighters is well-known among Norwegian militaries. In accord with the pagan worldview, the fighters of "Telemark" perceive death of each comrade as an insult and take an oath of revenge.

In January of 2010, during an operation in Afghanistan, was killed a soldier with the call sign "Jokke" (Claes Joachim Olsson), who was hit by a roadside bomb. During a farewell to the fallen fighter one of the officers who held a speech banged on the coffin lid covered with the flag, saying "We will avenge you, Jokke," and the soldiers supported him. Since then, the soldiers of the battalion wore stripes with a skull and an inscription - "Jokke, we will never forget."

Comrades kept a promise and continued the fierce struggle to perform vendetta, each time leaving a mark on the battlefield - the skull. Modern Vikings consider every friend’s death a common grief, for "it concerns all of us," as one of the privates says.

In the same 2010, the company commander Rune Wenneberg before the battle made the famous speech:

"You are the hunter! You are the predator! Taliban is the prey. To Valhalla! To Valhalla! To Valhalla!" In response to each call soldiers were raising the guns and crying "Hurrah!"  


They always fight fiercely and never retreat, and this is what brought them fame. One of American instructors before the last departure of the fighters to Iraq said that ISIL should be afraid of them, for these are perfectly trained soldiers who are capable of performing combat missions in a matter of hours.

Norwegian leftists and liberals are critical of the battalion, which is partially confirmed by allegations of nationalism and one journalist’s words: "Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik wasn't sending soldiers into war — he was merely supplying manpower to a "peacekeeping mission." Is it odd that the media was surprised by Norwegian soldiers using Viking helmets and battle cries of Vikings?"

Battalion Commander Lars Lervik says that more and more young Norwegians are willing to join the contract service in the battalion to take adventures, be close to the risk and at the same time serve for the good of the country.

Footage of the “Telemark” battalion's recent training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KU7KKvBRxI

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