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Главная » Статьи » Література » Vasili Bakagias

In my wanderings on the face
Of the Earth,
I came across a lovely and
Enchanting Lady which went
By the name of Emanuela,
She of the Blue Eyelids, and
Daughter of the Azure Sunset.
Emanuela was my dream 
Among the nightmares of the
World, and in Her arms, I felt
Like a god which loves in his
Temple of desire, and has no 
Cares or concerns for the 
Everyday world of petty and
Spiteful Mankind.
Emanuela was my goddess, 
And I worshipped Her with
Nameless rites which were 
Old when the World was young,
And in my love of Her, I 
Experienced total and glorious
In my days with my beloved
I kept a lookout for the scavengers
And predators who stalked the
Lonely and deserted corridors
Of the Night, landing on the
Shore of a hot, tropical island,
And ready to violate my sweet
And precious Emanuela, young
And nubile, and lust-driven before
The winds of Pazuzu, god of the
Hot desert winds, and of pestilence.
In my time with my Lady Emanuela,
I became as a babe in a mother's
Arms, oblivious to thought and
With Emanuela, I was in the seas
Of Eternity, 
And I did not care where my ship 
In Her forbidden regions, I was
Not myself, and I did not know
Who I was, or where I was at.
Time had no meaning for me,
Because when I was with
Time was Naught, 
And I was not.
In the days of our lovemaking,
We looked out over the shores
Of Infinity,
And took our fill of love and lust,
Not caring whether all of 
Creation lived or died.
Many a time, I died in Her arms,
Only to be resurrected with 
A whisper, and a kiss.
Emanuela was my life,
And my love.
When the World became Her master,
I became Her slave.
Many have entered Her,
And many have forgotten Her.
But I, Vasili Bakagias, have Her
Transcriptions of love etched
In my tormented soul,
And I am forevermore a lord
Of Her sweet and sensual 
And a keeper of Her secret
And arcane Mysteries.
For it is written in the lost
Annals of Love's forbidden
And unknowable tome that
Daughter of the Azure Sunset,
And She of the Blue Eyelids,
Was my only true love in this
World of lesser beings and
Senseless destinies.
Hail the Starry Void of Love!
Категория: Vasili Bakagias | Добавил: Andre-de-Renon (08.07.2012)
Просмотров: 2823 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1 |

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