When I wandered over Creation looking for my lost Beloved, You came into my life, looking for the same thing, not caring whether many have also searched for the same thing. In our time of sadness, we have drunk from the oasis of bitterness, and become as those intoxicated with the poison injected by the fangs of a deadly viper, in the night of Love's demise. When we became as babes longing for milk from a mother's breast, then were we loved by the Holy Ones from high up above. In the light of our Almighty, we have been fortunate to see the road which has no beginning and no end, and which is available to only a chosen few. Very many have been looking for this lost highway, but only we are fortunate enough to venture onto this most elusive of paths which has only been strode on by very few people. In the dawn of my awakening, we have been to the furthest reaches of Eternity, and tasted of the Joys of Paradise, resplendent with the opulence and purity that only one can see with eyes of alabaster and turquoise, glimmering like bright stars in the night sky, providing hope and inspiration for the lonely. Water and air are our only companions on this journey to the center of our heart's most secret desire, and we are not going to become lost in the desolation that separates us from God's All-Embracing Love that is a gift from Him to us. Young and old alike will be paying homage to God in the Time of our wanderings, and only the Holy Ones will be abiding in their reverance to the Almighty as we go along on our way to yonder and beyond. When we reach our fabled destination, then will we truly understand the reason for our humble undertaking. Laughing and crying for Joy at the same time, You and I will be most priviledged to love and honor that which we hold to be most precious: a glimpse of Infinity over the maw of the great Abyss.