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Главная » 2014 » Вересень » 14 » Right-wing French Organization GUD (Groupe Union Defense) Supports "Azov" Battalion and Pravyi Sektor
Right-wing French Organization GUD (Groupe Union Defense) Supports "Azov" Battalion and Pravyi Sektor

By this appeal GUD wishes to express its modest support for Pravyi Sektor and "Azov" battalion. Indeed, as nationalists, "black rat" (a symbol of French right-wing movements - ROZUM) GUD has always supported peoples who fought for independence and freedom of their land and the right to be masters in their own countries like Palestinians, the IRA in Northern Ireland or the sovereign Syrian regime headed by Bashar al-Assad, just to name a few.

In this context, it seemed natural for GUD to support the initiative of Pravyi Sektor and the Ukrainian army that are fighting for Ukraine's right to self-determination and against the interference of the pro-Russian terrorist militias. GUD consists of young activists that may find common grounds with "Azov" battalion that is also formed by the young volunteers who fight by improvised means and are not funded, as some gossips claim, by CIA, Mossad and Soros. History has shown that young people who fight for their land and die for it, as a rule, are very rarely supported by the global powers.

It is strange to look deeper at the supporters of the pro-Russian militias and encounter bizzare acquaitances with the antifascists from all countries...

However, we would like to say that we are not fooled by the game of the big world powers. We are against interference in Ukraine and anywhere else of both Russian and Western agents (NATO, EU...), our only party are people. On the contrary to those who want to force people into a rigid bilateral system, Russia or the West, we promote our third way, beyond the current geopolitical chessboard.

Some, definitely always the same, could say that we are fans of Kiev regime. We simply respond that you can not fight on two fronts. You have to oppose the most urgant threat. The current emergency state is invasion of the pro-Russian forces in Donbas, we simply quote the appeal of Pravyi Sektor in which it promises to march to Kiev when the war is ended if the current regime fails to meet its obligations.

GUD also wishes to underline that it is far from "Russophobia" and despises this war as a clash of peoples and brotherly countries.


Original: http://gud-lyon.hautetfort.com/archive/2014/08/27/communique-du-gud-sur-l-ukraine-5435119.html

Просмотров: 4374 | Добавил: Helen-von-Graven | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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