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Главная » 2014 » Серпень » 31 » Oleg Odnorozhenko "Ideology of Social-National Assembly: History and Present"
Oleg Odnorozhenko "Ideology of Social-National Assembly: History and Present"

Historical foundation of ideology of Social-National Assembly and "Patriot of Ukraine" is ideology of nationalism of the deed, which was professed by Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in its heyday. In the intellectual achievements of prominent figures of OUN of the 30's of the XXth century, as well as their spiritual inspirators, we find most of the principles and positions which are actualized now in the ideological concept of the Social-National movement.

Works of three titans of the Ukrainian spirit are of primary importance for our worldview - Dmytro Dontsov, Yuriy Lypa and Mykola Stsiborsky. In the conceptual work of the first of them - "Nationalism" is stated the unconditional right of nations to life and development, preservation of identity and the struggle for sovereignty. Will of the nation to expansion and domination is defined as the main engine of historical processes. These views were reflected in the first programmatic document of the "Patriot of Ukraine," which is entitled "Right of the Nation."

In the works of Yuriy Lypa are disclosed cultural, historical, ethnic, political, geographical and geopolitical reasons for the Ukrainian Nation's existence. Identified its main foreign policy priorities that consist in its striving for the great-power status, mastering by Kyiv of the natural geopolitical space between the White and the Black Sea and steady expansion in the northeast direction. Namely from the works of this Ukrainian scientist, as well as his predecessor - prof. Stepan Rudnytsky, follows our concept of Ukrainian great-powerness. On this are based our views on the history of Ukraine as the country with the imperial past and the continuous great-power competitions of the military elites of our Nation.

The work of Mykola Stsiborsky "Natiocracy" gives us the key to understand the basic principles of social, political, economic, and political system of the future Great Ukrainian State. Namely natiocratic principles underly the program of Social-National Assembly and our vision of the prospects for development of Ukraine. Namely from "Natiocracy" follows our focus solely on our own forces, both social and economic and public-political and military. "Natiocracy" is the source of our ideas about the priority of the general public and national interests over the particular interests of social groups and individuals, the interdependence of rights and obligations, the need for qualitative social hierarchy and internal solidarity.

Ideology of the nationalism of the deed of the 20's - 30's of the XXth century, which is the ideological foundation for Social Nationalists of the XXIst century, was forged in the hard ordeals of the national liberation struggle and the struggle for the very physical survival of the Ukrainian Nation. It was uncompromising and reckoned only with the Will of its own Nation, relied only on its abilities and forces. It was indifferent to any external factors, both in its principles and views and in its fight against the foreign and domestic enemies.

This is the modern nationalism of the generation of "the cruel youth," Winter Revolution and the War for Donbass. Our thoughts, words and actions are equally uncompromising and unconditional. As then, so now, we rely only on own forces of the Ukrainian Nation, its Will to life and victory. Namely this spiritual "kindred" connects our generation with the generation of the Heroes of the 20's - 40's.

Of course, in the time interval between the lives of these generations (our and OUN's) also existed heroic figures worthy of heroirzation and following. But there was absent the main thing - the actual organization or movement that would practice the self-sufficient, created by the needs of national life itself, ideology. As spiritual instigators of OUN, in our worldview and political principles we proceed only from the higher interests of the Nation, regardless of any external thoughts, desires or actions. The post-war "nationalism," the same as national democracy of the 90s, had to take into account the external factors; as a result, their worldview was struck by secondariness and non-self-sufficiency.

Social Nationalists, the same as the creators of OUN in their time completely rejected all the forms of compromise, self-censorship, dependence on the external forces, from which suffered Ukrainian "nationalism" in the second half of the XXth century. And because of that, as OUN before, Social-National movement was able to gather in its ranks the most ideological, altruistic, courageous and sacrificial patriots. Namely they gave an example to the whole country, having started Winter revolution with an attempt to assault the presidential administration on December 1 and then having formed the first squads against Putin's aggression - "Black Corps," from which emerged the battalion "Azov," which is now at the cutting edge of the struggle of the Ukrainian Nation for its dignity and independence.

The main ideological referent of Social-National Assembly,
PhD in History Oleg Odnorozhenko

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