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Главная » 2014 » Березень » 9 » Reflections on a Revolution
Reflections on a Revolution
The Heroes of Maidan
The mad instructions to Berkut and special police units to use live ammunition on 'terrorists' that in reality were nothing more unarmed protesters and disaffected civilians led to a bloodbath in and around Maidan. The army refused to take to the streets yet the head of security demanded the battle with the 'terrorists' be fought to the bitter end. Clips with wheezing bullets, people pinned with head-shots and mix of battle hardened and average civilians risking it all for their ideals. Thanks to the heroic acts Europe had not witnessed for a long time the regime was removed.
The power structure in Ukraine
The interim government is composed of different parties. The Fatherland and UDAR parties were in the protests that ousted Yanukovych. Die Spiegel revealed their parties have close ties with two powerful men: Rinat Akhmetov and Dmitry Firtash. The same men that formed the backbone of the Party of Regions that has just been ousted from power. So 'the opposition' is no opposition to the previous power structures. Moreover both parties are lead by people whose ancestry is not exactly Ukrainian. Their ancestry belongs to the same line of people running multi billion dollar companies in the US. The small communist parties are for Eurasia. The only ones remaining opposition to international finance are the right wing groups. But are they big enough to exert the necessary power to control Ukraine and repel Eurasianism and Globalism?
The Crimean Peninsula Dilemma
In contrast with Central/ Western emerging regions, Crimean/ Sevastopol movements cried for overnight military intervention. Whilst Catalonia has been building up its secessionist case for ages to protect its identity, the southernmost Ukrainian regions are wiling to see their identity tainted with mosques like Kaliningrad.
Scenes of Russian marines arriving in Sevastopol, armoured vehicles and military trucks with soldiers on the streets and Putin's orders to a military drill in central and western Russia added to the uncertainty.
Russia has flexed its military muscle to protect the 'rights' of Crimea and Sevastopol but in 2003 Russia had relegated the Baltic Republican Party. The possibility of regional movements was trashed with a law, stating each party should have regional branches in at least half of the Russian Federation constituencies. Should an Abkhaizia/ South Ossetia style annexation takes place the people will have no democratic way to secede from Russia afterwards. While under the Ukrainian government Crimea and Sevastopol can ask for further autonomy under Russia their political voice will be chocked.

The Holocaust vs Holodomor

Russia has not only failed to give the Holodomor victims' relatives the same way Germany awarded 'holocaust survivors'. Russia is not only failing to give submarines and hi-tech weapons to Ukraine as Germany gives Israel. But Russia has approved military force in Ukraine. The stark difference between the Holocaust and the Holodomor!
Double edged sword
In the lull until a new government and proper police is formed, Right Sector elements and other right wing movements are removing symbols of Communism and Russian Imperialism. They are spreading their influence in Ukraine's western regions and also influencing religious leaders. In itself the implementation of a third position is positive, but at the same time this lull can also be exploited by Russia. So, the faster the right implement conservative pro Ukrainian positions the bigger the culture shock for pro-Russian regions.
Spheres of influence
Lenin Statues falling and certain attitude by the Right shows that right wing influence is increasing in Ukraine. However such attitudes will give the opportunity for Russia to secure 'Russian Descendants' and their interests, irrelevant if the other 40% of Crimea may feel insecure under Russian military control. The Ukrainian military can never be a match to the Russian killing machine if Russia orders a Blitzkrieg. The flat terrain is a Ukrainian disadvantage and historically big armies have always moved quickly on that terrain. But this does not guarantee a smooth Russian occupation.
Nobody knows how many military hardened civilians are in Ukraine. Reports indicate that hundreds, if not thousands, ex-military and civilian combatants from the Afghan war, Caucuses and Syrian conflicts are in Ukraine now. Ukrainian private military contractors taking part in international security operations are also part of recent history. Vietnam had shown that a war is won by people and strategies not by military might.
Which sides these military hardened civilians are taking or if they want to participate all remains to be seen. As the west 'indirectly' helped Syria, it may also help Ukraine though this kind of help may not go to genuine groups. It would rather go to groups whose outcome of their actions will likely fit in the international finance's agenda.
The Ukrainian military capability lies in its street movements and militias that can drag Russia into a low intensity conflict.
The possible outcome if hostilities takes place
A war is won by the sympathy of the people and whilst the majority was against Yanukovych the same can be applied to the right. Its a very thin line between third way implementation and provocation. In the long run Russia can be drawn into another Afghanistan should the people of Ukraine decide to go into a low intensity conflict. This may benefit the Great European Reconquista since such a conflict will weaken Russian Imperialism and attract more support/ sympathy from Central and Western Europe. It can also weakens Europe beyond repair.
Two pronged European revolution
There is a two pronged revolution in Europe along the lines of nationalism. The first is the nationalism everyone is familiar with that is rising fast in Eastern Europe, namely in Ukraine, Hungary and Greece, followed by Sweden, the Baltic States and Poland. The second is the regional type of 'nationalism', or regionalism which is similar to nationalism, but rather then for nations, for the emerging regions. Catalonia, Flanders, Bavaria just to mention a few.
Crimea and Sevastopol belong to the emerging regions, yet that does not mean they are going to quit the Ukrainian Nation. More autonomy for these regions may satisfy both the Ukrainian and Crimean authorities. Although there are armoured vehicles in Sevastopol and two people have accidentally died in a stampede, another brothers' war can still be avoided.
It is important that Ukrainians see the Crimean issue in its true nature and juxtapose it to what is happening in Europe. Whilst Russian influence is a factor, the organic formation of Crimea is a distinct possibility. So even without Russian influence, Crimea would have pushed for more autonomy since we are living in the time of the emerging regions. People of different European cultures are organically forming around the oldest European regions, and a natural path that deserves to be respected by pro nature people.
A mix of Nation States and Regions?
Third way support is most welcome in Eastern Europe. The mobilisation of middle and working classes is very possible as was the case with Maidan. It is still unclear how these states will interact with each-other if the nationalists come to power in Ukraine, Hungary and the rest. Friendship or division is the issue, however bi-lateral agreements can be agreed upon.
In western Europe the emerging regions can come together as one entity: Nova Europa. Eventually as more regions join Nova Europa and the foundations of an Empire will be strong enough and be respected by the blocs, Imperium Europa will be declared. Nationalists may view Imperium Europa as a threat but is it?
What can happen if Imperium Europa does not materialise?
If Imperium Europa does not materialise the emerging regions will not bond together. They will likely be absorbed by other nations whose financial systems and state structures are already controlled by the elite. For example Flanders may be absorbed by the Netherlands and Wallonia by France, both nations infested with third world cultures and financial systems that can never free themselves on their own. If France tries to free itself from the system, the neighbouring states whose financial structures are controlled by the same elite, will declare war on 'Apartheid' France. And the same can be said for other nations desiring to be free. So through nationalism as we know it, Europe can never free itself from the financial elite that controls it. The regions are not themselves controlled since their control is coming from the nation states. However if they gain independence, they will be too weak on their own and be absorbed by one of the blocs, like Crimea is risking now. When a region is absorbed its most important laws will be imposed by a bloc hence enslaving it once more.
The only way out
The only way out of this system of two blocs is by genuine nationalist movements willing to co-operate with the emerging trend of the regions. If nations wage war on regions the declining European population will continue dwindling. So while minor conflicts can occur if the situation goes out of hand, disaster will strike the old continent once more. If scores of regions will come together, they will be able to resist global pressure from the two blocks. Currently Ukraine is withstanding this pressure. But at what strain and for how long? The answers would have been easy if a Genuine European Empire was standing.
Source: http://www.vivamalta.net/VMforum/index.php?topic=5502.msg190163;topicseen#new
Просмотров: 3643 | Добавил: Helen-von-Graven | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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