The Iron Lady was aptly named, for her heart was both cold and hard,
devoid of compassion and empathy, having no heartfelt connection to the
people she was elected to represent, seeing herself and the rest of
Britain as atomized individuals and families. For her, society does not
exist. [1]
Margaret Thatcher was also an Iron false idol with feet of clay for
many duped rightists in the United Kingdom who viewed her as a
crypto-traditionalist. This mentality was certainly present in the
ultra-Tory Monday Club and also in more moderate elements within the
burgeoning National Front who believed her rhetoric of controlling
immigration, which turned out to be lies with the purpose of destroying
the 20, 000 strong organization.
Thatcherism as an ideology was rooted in the libertarian economic
theories of Hayek, Von Mises and later Rothbard, although Rothbard was
to deride Thatcher as not libertarian enough! [2] The basic premise is
that government should, at the very least, butt out of economic activity
and let the markets be free of interference. Many libertarians see no
need for government at all, regarding it as a hindrance to economic
development and a prelude to the dreaded collectivism so loathed by
radical individualists.
Mrs. Thatcher once remarked "economics are the method; the object is
to change the heart and soul” [3]. Such a statement could have been
written by a Communist who was cynically making use of religious
metaphors for propaganda purposes. In a monstrous type of reductionism,
neo liberalism (or libertarianism) and Bolshevism both regard human
beings as primarily economic creatures, with no meaningful connection to
ancestors and traditions.
Thatcher's brutal policies in some ways reified the mythology of
Marxism in that she pushed working class people into the arms of
Bolsheviks and Bolshevized unions who posed, as always, as the vanguard
and saviours of the proletariat.
The left at the time of the miners' strike were equally as disgusting
as the Thatcherite neo liberals and presented no real political
alternative to the striking miners other than Bolshevism. Unions were
riddled with militant Reds who propagandised their membership to believe
that conservatism was synonymous with the destruction of their
livelihoods through out-sourcing. The National Front was argued to be
the street army of the Thatcherites: useful idiots who were deployed as
shock troops to crush working class solidarity.
Since her passing yesterday, the usual odious suspects of today's
left have grotesquely celebrated with looting, rioting and smashing of
property. Reeking deadlocked drongoes joined with rootless bourgeois
hipsters, black block anarchists and various non-Europeans in outrageous
public revelries in London, Glasgow and Bristol. In the ethnically
"enriched" area of Brixton, police were attacked by hideous mobs, many
of whom are too young to remember the Thatcher era. A Barnardo's charity
shop (hardly a outpost of ultra capitalism) was attacked with
projectiles. [4] But it is not just cosmopolitans and outcast scum who
rejoice in Mrs. Thatcher's demise, the hatred for this woman still is
palpable in the Welsh valleys and other working class areas among men of
the generation affected by her governance. It is this loathing and the
association of her with the right which is a major factor in stopping
the electoral success of true conservative movements.
Rightists and conservatives would do well to discard the catastrophic
legacy of Margaret Thatcher along with all of the libertarian ideology
she so destructively advocated. Authentic conservatism reconciles what
Marxists call class division on the basis of ethnic and cultural unity,
each caste has an integral part in a vertical imperium. The nation is
not the state, nor is it an abstract and arbitrary arrangement for
economic purposes, it is the sum total of the metaphysics, aesthetics
and folk customs of a particular ethnos. Society does exist,
conservatism is social. References